> This however raises an interesting point on how to plug-in configuration settings when PnP Core SDK is instantiated via PnP Framework, guess some updates are needed in 👍...
Привет, а если следовать правилам транслитерации яндекса это хорошо для seo? ps было бы супер если бы в этой библиотеке появилась функция конвертации заголовков в url. пример > 'проверка? Да,...
Good starting example, questions 1) Is this example related to Windows Hello or Windows Hello for Business? 2) Why do I have to enter a name and domain instead of...
Hi, the problem still exists in VS 2022 Version 17.5.3 when using the analyzer sonar
Is this really important? It seems to me that you can do a lot of really useful things instead
Hi, I also have problems with the connection after upgrading from 6.0 to 8.0. From time to time such errors appear in the logs, although this is a local server...
Thank you for your responses! Now it is clear that this is not a bug but a nuance. What if make an "exclude" feature for VS viewer? (like as "Right...
@darklajid as a temporary you can use the server file with my fixes
hi, I think you should completely abandon Newtonsoft.Json, now it is considered old and has low performance. Instead use **System.Text.Json**
Maybe you use different keys for registration and login?