Alexey Grigorev

Results 72 comments of Alexey Grigorev

I assume the package for elasticsearch has changed in 2 years. Pull requests with fixes are welcome

Thanks! I'm sure it'll be useful for some people!

Thank you for your contribution! To be honest, I'm a bit hesitant to merge this PR. It's the first time I hear about this concept and I'm not 100% sure...

Thank you for the suggestion! I'm a bit hesitant, to be honest. Let's see if this request gets many +1's :)

The action is coming from github pages, I guess thats why you don't see it

Hi @dheeraj-2000, thank you for your contribution! I intentionally didn't want to include questions about python syntax in the list. But I'll probaly create another one where you'll be able...

Yes, this came up already a few times - so this is something on my list. Thank you for your suggestion!

I unfortunately don't have the sources, so I'll appreciate some help creating them

Thank you for the suggestions! For discussions we can use Slack. Can you please put the instructions for using google calendars on mobile to gist or notion? Then we can...

@emeli-dral is it good to be merged?