
Results 7 comments of alexeydg

hi, i have this bug. If the ajax mode is on and autocompletion (T9) is enabled on the android mobile phone, the system does not start searching until you press...

I want the default sorting to be for example by id desc or name ASC, how can i set the defalut sorting?

+bug > php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Leantony\Grid\Providers\GridServiceProvider" --tag="views" These will be copied to resources/views/vendor/leantony/grid. From there, you can change what you want and laravel will automatically use that, instead of the...

I found a mistake. I renamed $name with Russian letters, in this case nothing works, in Grid.php you need to make changes to the init () method: Str :: singular...

I encountered the same problem, the problem is that the start_time and end_time columns contain seconds, this needs to be removed