Alex Eagle

Results 281 issues of Alex Eagle

### Module location ### Link to bzlmod issue in the module's repository _No response_ ### Any other context to provide? _No response_ ### Fund our work - [ ]...

module wanted

Since the tools/file_concat program is written in C++ and exposed to users of proto_descriptor_set, we depend on rules_cc at runtime. Fixes #203

This allows rules_proto to supply a pre-built binary toolchain for protoc without needing any Bazel module supplied by the protocolbuffers maintainers. Obviates the need for protobuf to be released to...

It's meant to be used in toolchainization of language rules, for example in rules_python: Fixes that PR following the recent breaking change landed here:

The last meaningful commits here, along with the last release, were 2 1/2 years ago by @ekuefler. If no one maintains this, I think we should either start a discussion...

A "bottle" is a binary package Unlike tools like bazelisk, which are built from source on a user's machine when they `brew install`, bottles allow for things like closed-source...


A build at latest version reports ``` WARNING: source-map-support module not installed. Stack traces from languages like TypeScript will point to generated .js files. ``` The `sass.dart.js` file in the...

Error is ``` ERROR: D:/b/7cfqmzbl/external/npm_bazel_terser/BUILD.bazel:32:1: Couldn't build file external/npm_bazel_terser/docs.raw: Generating proto for Starlark doc for docs failed (Exit 1) Exception in thread "main" Unable to generate documentation for function...

type: bug

Matches the rules authors SIG recommendations in Fixes #132