Alex Eagle

Results 282 issues of Alex Eagle

User edits `/.aspect/cli/plugins.yaml` file: - `baseUrl` defaults to - "fix-visibility" -> $baseUrl/plugin-fix-visibility exist -> fetch $asset-$platform and put in users cache under plugin-name-$version - some-repo/plugin-name -> - my-org/my-repo/plugin-name...

Bazel's behavior is pretty dumb ``` alexeagle@system76-pc:~/Projects/aspect-cli$ bazel build WARNING: Usage: bazel build . Invoke `bazel help build` for full description of usage and options. Your request is correct, but...

Users need a way to "fix" buggy external repositories. Note: maybe the sync command should recommend you do something else

good first issue

(no bazelisk, or using latest in .bazelversion, or no .bazelversion)

One client has the problem that a linter lazily runs a bazel fetch in the background, and users can't tell what bazel was doing or why it was slow. Write...


Allow devx team at a company to monitor the perf/usability of aspect across developer machines, uploading data so that the monitoring system can answer - is it getting slower? -...


Plugins should be able to omit/append/modify to the build events Other plugins running later on the stack should see the edits. BuildBuddy or other remote UI should see the edits.


The plugin hard-codes a width of 150 characters so it overflows lines on my terminal. ![Screenshot from 2022-02-12 10-21-41](

good first issue

The core can prompt users "please provide a label" and can syntax-check that it looks well-formed, or "did you mean".
