Alex Eagle

Results 430 comments of Alex Eagle

As one mitigation here, in #531 I'm adding stardoc for the `pip_repository` rule so it's better documented that you don't have to use the two wrapper macros.

in our 5.0 we are working to reduce scope of rules_nodejs. Maybe someone would like to own a rules_react_native (or maybe it could go with a rules_react) @farcaller do you...

@valerian-roche thanks this seems like a great issue to dig into! It's hard for me to understand whether this is a correct problem assessment and fix. Are you already using...

The docs are in But they need to be regenerated with the latest sources, and then figure out where to host it now that we slurped in rules_typescript. Ideally...

Hmm it looks like I registered the domain under my [email protected] account which I no longer have. will take some research to figure out how to transfer it...

I'd love to get tsetse up and running again, but I don't know of a path to get it to work with `tsc` and the integration with `ts_library` isn't going...

I'm studying linters under Bazel right now, and I think hooking into is probably the right call here rather than make something specific for buildifier, so that there's a...

This seems like an issue with Bazel, not with rules_nodejs or with the jest_test rule. I imagine you could reproduce the same problem with an `sh_test`, right? Since Bazel is...

I think you can repro that with `sh_test` - the problem is likely how Bazel scrubs the environment variables when running tests - you can use `--test_env=GCLOUD_PROJECT` to tell...

We did this because bzlmod isn't a thing yet, and didn't want to make a breaking change where we require users to install some rules_python dependencies because rules_python is so...