Aliaksandr Yurchyk
Aliaksandr Yurchyk
У меня решилось тем, что я открыл еще одну вкладку браузера и там открыл сайт и залогинился. После этого смог добавить слова в словарь через расширение. Сайт держать все время...
Let's say I will go with the extension. `Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->` the class is Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Could you describe how to create an extension to convert above method to the class?
Small update - it caused by ` if (this.fullLoad && callback){ //callback - give it 0.1 seconds for the image src to be changed //a small flicker might occur //if...
Interested in this feature as well
It seems error appears in chrome browser only
I'm using with all security patches applied
I think there is an issue with the last 8788 patch, because I didn't had any errors before the patch was applied.
@andrecastillo Pls check the pull #17