Fu Cheng
Fu Cheng
I don't have a Windows 10 machine, you can refer to [this page](https://www.petri.com/easily-edit-hosts-file-windows-10) on how to edit the host file. If you are using the new native docker client (not...
For documentation, you can see my Magento 1.x [repo](https://github.com/alexcheng1982/docker-magento). These two follow the same instructions.
You shouldn't mount the whole Magento source directory, because you don't need to modify source code of core Magento files. You just need to mount your own extension/theme code. For...
Circle CI supports running Docker images. So just use this Docker image in its config file. You can use *run* in the config file to install Magento. On Wed, Nov...
Added [more doc](https://github.com/alexcheng1982/docker-magento2#develop-and-test-using-this-docker-image) about development and testing using this Docker image.
If you want to modify Magento files, refer to [this section](https://github.com/alexcheng1982/docker-magento2#modify-magento-core-files) about how to do it.
Data persistence is a long-standing issue with this Docker image. I hope I can get some solid docs about this topic out soon. On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 2:05...
This `env` file is primally used for Docker Compose. Changing `MYSQL_HOST` to `localhost` may affect other users. On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 6:33 PM ChaimaeELhidaoui ***@***.***> wrote: > ------------------------------...
That's weird. Can you run "docker inspect" and check the "Config/Env" section for the system variable "MYSQL_DATABASE"? The installation script uses this system variable. On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at...
Refer to this [Stackoverflow question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17074365/status-bar-and-navigation-bar-appear-over-my-views-bounds-in-ios-7), add following line to the `-(void)viewDidLoad` method to solve the issue that notifications display behind the navigation bar of iOS 7. ``` objectivec if ([self...