Aleksej Chaichan
Aleksej Chaichan
Hey guys, how you manage to fire up MrkdownPreview with nvim.lua? I also tried to put the .vim commands into a `vim.cmd('let g: ... ')` But nothing happens when I...
Hey, noticed that you use a wrong commentstring for .rmd-format. I would advice to change from: `setlocal commentstring=#\ %s` to: `setlocal commentstring=` Or even better: When you are in a...
Hey guys, I'm trying to connect to my icloud calendars since yesterday. Searched almost the whole web for a solution but still can't connect to the server. I'm at the...
Hey, anyway enable it for spotify-tui with spotifyd?
Hey, I tried to insert some lua-filter but without success. Maybe you could tell me at witch positon in the header I have to insert this argument? ``` pandoc_args: -...