Alex Khassapov
Alex Khassapov
Yeah, meteograph is just crazy configurable - but it's great!
> @AlainMuller fair enough but since switching from AIX widget to [meteogram widget](, I won't be looking back: > Exactly. It's highly configurable, and you can make it look exactly...
In weather app - the weather is important, no matter how nice it looks - if temperature is 6 deg off - would you use it? AIX forecast was always...
It's an old issue, but I also hit it. Debugging the code now, reproducing the Stack Overflow (call stack from bottom to top): ``` HtmlAgilityPack.dll!HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.OuterHtml.get() Line 660 C# HtmlAgilityPack.dll!HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlTextNode.Text.get() Line...
Further investigation (I don't quite understand the code yet, but..) class HtmlTextNode.Text - when _text == null calls base.OuterHtml - which basically leads to the infinite loop: ``` /// ///...
More info. The problem happens if I - Call htmlDoc.LoadHtml(html) - save html once (call htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml), - then call some SetAttributeValue() again, - then save html again (call htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml)
Hi Jon, I copied my HTML []( It doesn't 'stack overflow', but sill fails because of the tag: `System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
The spaces were inserted by .NET Fiddle for some reason when I copied the code. You are right though, if I remove the spaces - it works.
Yeah, thank you, your suggestion worked. But unfortunately performance is worse than standard strstr...