I'm using this starter and I have question regarding NodeServices and the webpack configuration. I have a webapi method that creates and returns a PDF. I'm using NodeServices to run...
If you get this random error on 'Mondays' (yes... on Mondays :-)) likely it is related to a Webpack bug (that has to do with a message asking for donation...
Trying to deploy the starter to a Linux hosting provider. This is shared hosting therefore I do not have much access to the web server configuration. Their configuration looks for...
Following the usage instructions [here](, I would like to map the table "Customer" to "Client" (so in C# I use Client, ClientId, etc... while in the database still is Customer,...
The tasks.json is pointing to a not existing server.csproj. Wonder if you could update the starter with a launch.json and tasks.json so developer can debug client and server code with...