Alexandru Iachimov
Alexandru Iachimov
Hey @ccodega . Could you please show the sample of you proguard file? In sample app you can find file with this comment. `If your project uses WebView with...
@ccodega could you please show your WebSettings for WebView client and your proguard file? It may be very useful.
My assumption that you received SSL error. Could you please check in debug mode what error do you receive? You'll need to create your own WebViewClient and implement **onReceivedSslError**. Then...
I was reviewing the code and found these comments in `CertificateTransparencyTrustManager.kt` for the following methods: ` fun checkServerTrusted(chain: Array, authType: String, host: String): List {...}` ` fun isSameTrustConfiguration(hostname1: String?, hostname2:...
I emailed directly to chrome-certificate-transparency team and here is their reply.
PR is opened -> FYI @mattmook
Clients had more than one moth to migrate to V3, I have some doubts that guys Google will change their mind and postpone V1 and V2 endpoints shout-down.
Looks like **CTTrustManagerBuilder**, **CTInterceptorBuilder** and **CTHostnameVerifierBuilder** builders have an option to provide custom **LogListService** using Factory **LogListDataSourceFactory.createLogListService("urlToOverride", " okHttpClientToOverride", "timeOutToOverride")**
Yeap, that looks like to be an option to solve the problem without a release.
Hi @perwyl. Yes, it should be fine. You can clone the project and check LogListService usages and its implementation. Hope @mattmook will be back soon to approve and merge this...