Alexandre Fresnais
Alexandre Fresnais
Hi everyone! **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When building my iOS Unity Project with the solution, I need to add all the `.framework` files from...
Hello here! Coming back on I was preparing a Nordic UART Service example following your addition to the library but I cannot make it working. When writing to the...
Hey, I tried to compile my project using both `com.github.asus4.tflite` and VideoKit for Android. I stumble across the following error: ``` A failure occurred while executing$MergeNativeLibsTaskWorkAction > 2 files...
Hi, My team is developing an application using both AR Foundation and VideoKit. As AR Foundation is not always required, but we need a camera feed, we switch between a...
Hi, As discussed over Discord, It would be nice to have basic video edition capabilities such as rotating a video.
Hi, It seems that the watermarking feature is no longer working. Videos captured with the default recorder or images captured with `CaptureScreenshot` do not get watermarked. This has been tested...