Alexander Dean

Results 228 issues of Alexander Dean

- Newline-delimited flatfile, one enum entry per line? - NDJSON? JSON format is flexible (lets you express enums of objects) but quite hard to generate from e.g. Bash or Excel.

Nothing sensitive should get tracked (i.e. not the JSONs or JSON schemas in any way).


See Snowplow CLI for an example of this

Should we be adding all fields we see to requiredFields, and then removing them if they are not seen in another instance?


``` [info] Including: spray-io_2.10-1.3.3.jar [info] Including: scalaz-core_2.10-7.0.6.jar [info] Including: spray-util_2.10-1.3.3.jar [info] ServeSpec [info] + serve index.html [info] x serve JS [error] Request was not handled (ServeSpec.scala:43) [info] [info] x serve...


So we can easily see which version is running


This is to identify infrequently used properties (could be typos) or infrequently used types (could be bad data). Useful for when processing over large data sets.


Should be: ``` "additionalProperties": false ``` not: ``` "additionalProperties" : false ```


"hey! We have detected item_id (200 instances) and itemid (2 instances)? Which one(s) should we add to the schema? item_id / itemid / both?"
