Oleksandr Yakushev

Results 112 comments of Oleksandr Yakushev

I've just realized one more thing. If this is merged, people who use fixed thread executors would probably need to re-tune the maximum queue size in the executor. If we...

We've talked with @kachayev about this on another channel trying to reach a consensus, and I want to clarify here as well that I don't think this patch changes the...

No, we are not debating that (at least I am not), and the patch does not change that fact. Any callback chains connected to response deferred are still happening on...

Point taken. However, you are probably aware that: ```clojure (-> (mex/with-executor tracing-exec (-> (md/future (Thread/sleep 1000) 0) (md/chain inc) (md/chain inc) (md/chain inc))) (md/chain inc) .executor) ; => nil ```...

Thanks for the extra context and for looking into this. I suppose, if you compare `Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup()` to the executor's ThreadGroup from its ThreadFactory, you can avoid redundant rescheduling in Manifold...

Another idea I just had: inside `chain` and `catch` implementation, if `.executor` of the source deferred is equal to `(manifold.executor/executor)`, then set nil executor for the chained deferred.

Change of plans: after my changes, the default middleware [here](https://github.com/ztellman/aleph/blob/master/src/aleph/http/client_middleware.clj#L972) no longer uses `response-executor` but defaults to Manifold's `wait-pool`. This is definitely a different behavior from what happens now. Back...

The proposed Manifold changes are too heavy-handed. For example, there are legitimate cases where you wouldn't want: > a. Execute immediately on the current thread if it belongs to the...

> Can you say a little more about "there are legitimate cases where you wouldn't want: Execute immediately on the current thread if it belongs to the selected executor"? I...

[Grammarly](https://grammarly.com) uses Aleph in a part of its backend stack. Things used substantially: HTTP server, HTTP client, asynchronous flows with Manifold, fine-tuned and monitored executors and pools.