Oleksandr Yakushev

Results 112 comments of Oleksandr Yakushev

Given that Boot is abandoned and will never update its nREPL dependency even if this is fixed in some version, I think this can be closed as wontfix.

> But we could also push tags that only specify their lein version or their tools-deps version (but they would all still include both tools) for those who only use...

Another issue: tools-deps and Leiningen have different CMDs (`lein repl` and `clj`) and different entrypoints. If the images are merged into one, then we'll have to settle on a single...

Closing this since it should work on Alpine now (at least, the tests are passing on it!).

Fixed in 0.5.0. Sorry for the delay!

Hello Chris! Which Clojure version are you using, is this 1.9.0 by chance? Clojure 1.10 contains several important compatibility fixes to work on Java 9 and onward, so I suggest...

Huh, that's really old. Can you revert to Java 8 then?

You can try to add this after you require `clj-async-profiler.core`: ```clj (.bindRoot #'clj-async-profiler.post-processing/raw-profile->compact-profile (fn [^HashMap raw-profile, count-total-samples?] (let [frame->id-map (HashMap.) frame->id (fn [frame] (or (.get frame->id-map frame) (let [cnt (.size...

As a side note, it is a bit novel to me that a project targets the latest JDK version but not the latest version of Clojure (as JDK updates usually...

The reason it breaks is this bug in Clojure: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-2284. The bug manifests only in Java 9 and later, and was fixed in Clojure 1.10.