Alex Mitrevski
Alex Mitrevski
Related to and In order to use the knowledge from the ontology for planning, our [default planning domain]( needs to be appropriately modified. In particular: 1. the types...
Potentially related to Once is merged and we have a decent model of our lab, it would be good to be able to test our robot's planning capabilities...
## Problem description Our current [`place` action]( doesn't have any monitoring and recovery behaviours, so the component always thinks that it has performed the action successfully. We thus need to...
## Short description As some of our other actions, the `move_base` action doesn't have recovery behaviours at the moment, such that failures in the action often cause failures in subsequent...
## Problem description Related to Our current object placing strategy, which is implemented in the [`place` action](, is "blind" in the sense that the robot just moves to the...
Our existing pickup action treats all objects equally, i.e. we don't have runtime selection of object-specific grasping strategies. The [pickup action client]( should thus be modified so that an appropriate...
Related to If a pickup failure is detected by the grasp verification module, the action should go into a recovery mode. The simplest form of recovery would be resetting...
Since navigation goals can be considered encyclopedic information that is currently stored in YAML files (e.g. [here](, it makes sense to consider storing the information in the ontology instead in...
Right now, the documentation of the actions doesn't include any information about what changes are made to the knowledge base before/after the execution (if any). This should be included in...
In the current implementation of our `perceive_plane` action, we store the poses of the detected objects with respect to the `base_link` frame in the world model, but we don't update...