
Results 16 issues of alex-luxonis

See the changes on the related PR:

Accessible from Script nodes usually at: `/media/mmcsd-0-0` - first partition `/media/mmcsd-0-1` - second partition ... The partition(s) should be pre-formatted as FAT32. Note the Script node must set: `.setProcessor(dai.ProcessorType.LEON_CSS)` An...

Related PR:

Related: (see for a detailed description) `utilities/`: new option ``` -misc MISC_CONTROLS [MISC_CONTROLS ...], --misc-controls MISC_CONTROLS [MISC_CONTROLS ...] List of miscellaneous camera controls to set initially, as pairs: key1=value1...

New misc controls, these should be set on `ColorCamera` with `.initialControl`, and only available for IMX378 / IMX477 / IMX577 at `THE_1080_P` resolution: ```py .initialControl.setMisc("downsampling-mode", "binning") # default: "scaling" .initialControl.setMisc("binning-mode",...

- fix a potential bootup/reboot failure, that required power cycle to recover from (more likely to occur on PoE devices). Requires the **factory** bootloader to be upgraded - fix a...