Alexander Knyazev
Alexander Knyazev
@ > I believe this is possible already. Here is my example setup: > > ``` > plugins: [ > new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({ > analyzerMode: 'static', > reportFilename: '../report/stats.html', > statsFilename:...
I think it is important feature. I'm writing such script for two bundles comparsion: 1. Go to git branch 2. Build and analyze 3. Save report to temp folder 4....
@valscion @Gongreg For now I came to this solution: ``` const { getViewerData } = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer/lib/analyzer"); const stats = require("./dist/stats.json"); async function main() { const report = await getViewerData(stats); console.log(report)...
@kmjennison Generally I don't undesrtand why now firebase.auth().onIdTokenChanged is called on every page. In [doc]( we see that hook should be called on sign-in, sign-out, and token refresh events only....
I think it could be better to save token expieartion date in JS-accessible cookie instead of last login time. When we know the expiration date then we can always compare...
P.S.: I found solution only with using of async-validator lib and custom validator prop: [](