Hi, Looks like it is setting additional header "Connection: close" when constructing a request (connection manager is not reusable). But for ntlm it is supposed to be "Connection: keep-alive". When...
It also works fine when using persistent connection (with-connection-pool). In that case "Connection" header is set to "keep-alive".
@dakrone I don't have access to underlying server, but from logs it is Microsoft-IIS/8.5 and connection is made from macOS High Sierra
@d4hines try this snippet, it should work ``` (def ctx (HttpClientContext/create)) (c/with-connection-pool {:threads 1 :default-per-route 1} (c/get "url-1" {:ntlm-auth ["user" "password" nil nil] :debug true :http-client-context ctx}) (c/get "url-2" {:debug...