Alexander Friedl

Results 15 comments of Alexander Friedl

@DowsingUK Hard to tell why you get silent notifications from the information you provided. Can you share a more complete example if your notification payload?

Do you need phonegap compatibility mode? Have you tried `phonegap: false` ? If `phonegap=true` the `notification` property will be set to `undefined`, which can result in a silent notification if...

Also you posted basically the example with empty default values but it's not clear which payload you specify in the `body`. I would assume your payload is incomplete. Please refer...

Would be interesting to get more details of `InternalServerError` response from Firebase. Any chance you can debug this on your end with some breakpoints or logs in your local node-gcm...

@DowsingUK Any update on this? Do you still experience these issues?

@MRashad26 Looks like a configuration issue on your end? Do you maybe use a legacy GCM sender ID for a FCM application?

@MRashad26 You should be able to use Firebase tokens without any issue. From what I understand looking at the FCM docs, the sender ID you specified is not allowed as...

@MRashad26 The format is the same for APN keys obtained from Apple or Firebase. In either case you will have a key file, id and team id

@MRashad26 Do you still experience these issues or have you figured the setup out? :)

@derwaldgeist Wouldn't you usually increase the badge counter in your mobile application for most use-cases, as only the app itself will know how many "open" notifications there are for each...