xbar puts plugins in ~/Library/Application Support/xbar/plugins folder and it does not play nicely with spaces in the path. I tried to do a quick fix but nothing seems to be...
I wasn't able to run the tests. I hope the test is OK.
It's surely missed. I want to display a nicely formatted date in input but send ISO formatted dates to API.
The problem is actually this line: ```$cipher = bolt_encrypt( "?> ".$contents, $php_blot_key );``` The space after ?> is the culprit. Change the line to: ```$cipher = bolt_encrypt( "?>".$contents, $php_blot_key );```...
I just changed ```import "vue-toastification/dist/index.css";``` into ```import "../../node_modules/vue-toastification/dist/index.css";```
Is it possible that something changed in iOS 13 (possible even on macOS Catalina - not tested) on how groups are handled? All of the group vcards that have X-ADDRESSBOOKSERVER-KIND:group...