
Results 11 comments of alenrajsp

@rickstaa a quick glance has shown that you are not following the following rules regarding this pull request: - have to review at least 2 other [open pull requests]( -...

Sorry for being pedantic but the PR rules state: - [x] - Add "Something"

@thoughtspile Thank you. We've removed the badge in the newest version. @rickstaa Thanks for the feedback. I've added bullet points to the articles. I however am not sure regarding changing...

Please let me know if anyone has any other additions or comments on how to improve this repository.

Also could anyone check why the ToC gives error. Thank you.

I have fixed the ordering so that it is consistent (e.g. {title} {emoji}) for both the ToC and actual section titles. I however still have a big problem with the...

I have added a pull request to your repository related to grammatical errors.