Alessio Napolitano

Results 10 comments of Alessio Napolitano

@kamilmysliwiec Could i upgrade the library to OpenAPI 3.1.0?

@DiabloUnicorn666 findOneOrFail throw an error, findOne return null (or undefined, i don't remember now).

@americano212 could you reproduce it in a simple repo?

in your script _entity:sync_ you have: _ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js -d bin/ormconfig.ts **schema:sync**_ with _schema:sync_ you run the _schema sync command_: that use _logging: ["query", "schema"]_ ps: schema sync...

Executed behavior is to catch and error, not return undefined or an empty array, if you find the reason causing undefined value, write it here.

Could we use TableExpression in InsertInto and not Table?

@astagi penso che il problema sia dovuto al flag **optimization** nell'angular.json. Se questo è a true ottimizza sia script che stili che font e, ottimizzando gli script di bootstrap-italia, rompe...