David Lerch

Results 10 issues of David Lerch

I was testing the _sudo_ provided by tsu (latest master), when I noticed that it seems to corrupt certain kinds of binary data. Running the following: `$ sudo echo -ne...

**Shuttle version:** v2.0.17 **Device, OS:** Android 11 **Description of bug:** Folder view doesn't work on Android 11. By default it's set to /storage/emulated/0/music, but my music is on an SD...

I ran into problems getting the following to work in Clang 12.0.0, using the latest master of visit_struct: ```c++ template struct TemplatedStruct { struct Visitable { BEGIN_VISITABLES(Visitable); VISITABLE(int, a); VISITABLE(int,...

Maybe you're aware that there is an actively maintained fork of ffmpegthumbnailer in the KDE project, called [ffmpegthumbs](https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/ffmpegthumbs). While I don't know the reasons for the initial fork, both this...

I'm currently writing a bit-banged 1-Wire slave for PIC16/18, which forces me to look pretty closely at some of the 1-Wire timing. With esp32-owb as the master, the LOW pulse...

This adds some basic support for building BlackBone with MinGW and Clang. See the new file [README_MINGW_CLANG.md](https://github.com/alemariusnexus/Blackbone/blob/MinGW_Clang_Support/README_MINGW_CLANG.md) for the current limitations. Most of the changes are to fix compiler errors...

The bundled version of AsmJit doesn't seem to support 64-bit absolute mov (e.g. `mov [0x0123456789abcdef], rax`). Using the following code (not using AsmFactory::GetAssembler() to make sure it's not a bug...

I believe I've found a bug in AsmHelper64::GenCall() concerning stack alignment. In the following code: ```c++ // // reserve stack size (0x28 - minimal size for 4 registers and return...

I'm looking into ways to create an access/write hardware breakpoint in a remote process, in order to e.g. find instructions that access certain memory locations. It looks like BlackBone can...

I believe I've found a bug in the hooking code (for what seems to be called "inline hooking"). In DetourBase::CopyOldCode(), there's a block of code that deals with instructions that...
