
Results 6 comments of alemairebe

current status from code : it is implemented but not activated with a reference to an issue on lego. That issue is closed, so I guess it could be...

@icedream yes indeed , sorry , my comment was for requesting certificates with OCSP extension enabled. implementation of OCSP by Traefik is missing.

Main difference versus the 2 others PRs about this is the use of `value_from_nesteddict_by_dottedkey` to allow to get `json_delimiter = detail.findings` instead of `json_delimiter = findings`

I think the following alias would be better/do not depends on jq alias kgsecp='kubectl get secret -o go-template='\''{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{"### "}}{{$k}}{{"\n"}}{{$v|base64decode}}{{"\n\n"}}{{end}}'\''' code is from and go-template could be...

@arthurgur do you need some help with the implementation of tests ?