Ok, this seems like something i could do this week. So i was thinking to create a new Model class like ExerciseCategory or Muscle and add it as a Foreign...
As Category is taken and Slot is a little confusing i'm having trouble how we should name this "part of the workout". Examples of these "part of the workout" could...
ahhhhh, i thought it was an overall category for every exercise. So this is to organize your workout per day per part of the day-workout. Cool, let's do that.
I like that. So we'd ve having more than one set for each day, i presume? I mean, For Day A: Set 1 associated to Slot "Warm up" and Day...
Hello everybody. I was looking for something like this  A responsive icon on the right ;) Anyone did an extension or something you can help me with. If not...
+1 on this being a BREAKING CHANGE and should be in release notes
Hi there! I see this PR is merged already but there haven't been any new releases since August 2019. @kevinsqi wondering if you are still maintaining this project or if...