The same issue
additionally Installation with --nodeps, "mount.svfs:72: undefined method `select!'" rpm -i --nodeps package svfs-0.9.1-1.x86_64 is already installed # mount -t svfs -o username=ххх,password=хх,tenant=хх,auth_url=https://auth.ххх hubic /mnt/mou ntpoint /sbin/mount.svfs:72: undefined method `select!'...
/sbin/mount.svfs:73: undefined method `select! ' для #Array: 0x721b407b2578 (NoMethodError) You solved the problem?
do you already have a solution for this?
Есть решение mysqli_more_results, mysqli_next_result и mysqli_store_result? У меня пустой результат при мультизапросе
Решил так Так работает public function query1($query) { $mysqli = $this->conn; if ($mysqli->query($query)) { do { if ($result = $mysqli->store_result()) { while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) $ret[] = $row; $result->free(); }...
Да ошибся, if ($mysqli->**multi_query**($query)) Но в маем случаи и query работает :-) , т.к. запросы идут к sphinx для FACET, а sphinx multi отдает и через query()
I want to go to 5: Triggers
Solved, just photoswipe called history.back(); changed it to history.pushState( false, document.title,url) when closing; and Pjax stopped working