Aleksey Korolev
Aleksey Korolev
Origin header may be different or even missing depending on your frontend environment e.g. browser vs Postman client vs etc etc. You may have a look at default implementation of...
Tried to repackage plugin using new plugin structure (w/o elasticsearch folder) and got compatibility check error: sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///home/bitnami/ -> Downloading file:///home/bitnami/ [=================================================] 100% Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...
I changed ES version from 5.6.10 to elasticsearch.version=7.5.1 in to make a quick check if plugin can be used as is with new ES version and got following error...
> @aleksey-korolev > I am also facing the same issue, while using this plugin for Elasticsearch 7.4.2 version. > Were you able to find a fix for it? > Nope,...
AFAIR we used JasperReports in the end.
Sorry, that was passed to another engineer so not many details to share. I think data was selected using java code w/o using any plugins.