Hello. Got an infection of a server with several virtual machines. Using your script managed to restore 3 out of 4 machines, windows server 2016 booted without any problems. There...
mr @cablej can you see my files pls =)
may be its complete insanity, i change word in script flat ---> sesparse and start it with: `/tmp/ AstRun_srv_1-000001 thin` i got: ``` ... Validating... Disk chain is consistent. Success!...
i go another way, i rename *-sesparse.vmdk to *-flat.vmdk in virtual machine folder, run script - success, reaname back *-flat.vmdk to *-sesparse.vmdk, after add disk in another virtual machine and...
update, i see my paper tree, my arhives and R-STUDIO show right size, but when i try restore *.7z arhives they give me error: `Closing attribute: parsed allocated size (92325376)...
@kpma1985 Hello, can you give some tips pls?