Aleksander Woźniak

Results 17 comments of Aleksander Woźniak

You can add a custom header by hiding the default one with `headerVisible: false`, and providing a custom widget in its place - for example like [this](

Sorry for the delay on this. I'll give it some thought once I have more time, as this has some extra strings attached (for example what about a case when...

Hi, Yes, the default config just assumes that Sunday is the starting day of the week, with an option to provide a custom starting day, as well as custom locale....

@dmitdu Can you check with provided examples? Basic example has default config and should start on Sunday; events example uses `StartingDayOfWeek.monday` and should start on Monday: [getWeekdayNumber]( returns 1...

This is a very specific UI choice - I find it stands out too much from the original design, especially when you switch between the 3 calendar formats. Probably better...

You can achieve this by updating the `focusedDay` property. To have a month/year picker button in the header, you'll need to supply a custom header in place of the default...

Yes, there is some room for improvement when animating the change from larger calendar format to smaller (month to week). If you are willing to contribute it, feel free to...

That's not a bad idea. I think it can be the new default setting, without the need to add a new property to manage the chevron visibility. If you are...

You can do both of those by correctly setting up `rangeStartDay` and `rangeEndDay`. Check out [range example]( for more.

Hi, sorry for the delay. Sure, adding a readme translation would be welcome!