Aleksander Vines
Aleksander Vines
CF recommends that the units of latitude and longitude are set to degrees_north or degrees_east. One reasoning they give is that _"Udunits package does not recognize the directionality implied by...
How is this supposed to work? For a trajectory, it makes sense for me to require time, lat and lon as variables from the text file. Altitude could optionally either...
If the user does not click out of the textbox before pressing done on a "enter variable attributes" dialog box, the changes done since entering the textbox is not recorded....
We need our NetCDF files to contain a number of global attributes, some required and some optional, mostly following ACDD (and some other, e.g. some from OceanSITES data format reference)....
The cf_role variables should (at least usually) not have a standard_name variable as the standard names should always be taken from the CF list of standard names.
If a user deletes input in one of the required fields, the next button is not greyed out. I've fixed it in a branch on specify general information (I'll fix...
We need the featureType profile as an option (for e.g. CTD/XBT data). Therefore, I thought I should start implementing this, and I have some questions. If I understand this correctly,...
The CTD software SD200W does not always produce _standard/compliant_ csv files - well, the main problem with csv, I guess, is that there is no real standard to follow. The...
I request this as we would like to bulk process a lot of CTD casts. Some of these CTD casts are different timeseries on the same station, but most of...
Is a procedure for running Rosetta defined anywhere? E.g. I've discovered the need to set rosetta.content.root.path