
Results 67 comments of alekksander

dunno if it belongs to this widget. if You need this kind of data there is vnstat – reliable tool for manual data monitoring

guys please take a look at my request: and at vnstat: (so for example something like „vnstat -d; vnstat -m” to cover that example pic in cli)

Open source app called Frost has quite nice solution to this: personally i don't use different accounts, but grabbing that account managing code might be a way 😉

anything happening in that matter? just curious, no pressure :) best regards

is any use in this case?

Does it mean it's technically dead?

got it. thanks!

is this still a thing in 2022? it seems so, as i can't disable containers without disabling this ext. first.

+1 is it doable? i know there is such plugin for pidgin, perhaps some of it's code is re-usable