Alec Deason

Results 10 issues of Alec Deason

I'm seeing segfaults when I reload a vst built with vst-rs. I can reproduce the behavior with the sine_synth example hosted in Carla: To reproduce: Build the example and copy...


[Original spec]( This implements a modding system that is adequate to handle the existing weapons (along with similar things) and which should be reasonably easy to extend to more exotic...

Sometimes it's important to be able to predict what effect applying a force or impulse to a body will have before actually applying it. It would be nice to to...


The feature based serializer selection is awkward to use and impossible for users to extend. It should be possible to do it via a type parameter on WasmPlugin and I...

When I initially did technology review on Wasmer I saw that they had a javascript package for working with wasm in browser. I made the, as it turns out, very...

I was lazy about tests initially but this has reached a level of complexity where they are really necessary.

When using draw_image to draw a large canvas onto a smaller canvas the large canvas is unexpectedly cropped to the size of the small canvas. For example, I expect this...

I'm seeing overflows in this code: in both the positive and negative direction. I don't have a reproducing example yet because I don't have a theory of how I'm...

I'm seeing artifacts when rendering scenes with large numbers of paths that overlap. It looks like it's related to the renderer's tiles somehow but it isn't strictly a paths per...


I think this is actually a bug but it may not be one that idiomatic wit files would trigger so it may not be an important issue but I'll post...