Hi, thanks for your response. i also noted that the stm32 blue pill pins do not match a logical order in firmata. The stm32 blue pill pins are separated in...
Hi, the table ive posted before ive constructed myself from testing one pin at a time, so its the right one however configurable firmata is reporting that the board has...
@RussCoty i had other things so i did no further testing. The problem for me is happening with a Raw mechanical encoder directly connected, however i had some discussions with...
Hi, ive tested this with RP2040 and using the "examples/Basic/Basic.ino" sketch. with a simple mechanical encoder connecting the common to ground and A, B to interrupt pins, works very unreliable....
Hi, any luck on this? i have this exact same problem with skipping steps or count in the incorrect direction.
ive tested earlephilhower using the BASIC ino example but serial wont report back not sure what is happening.
Hi, i ve added INPUT_PULLUP in my fork: commit: you should use pin mode as INPUT_PULLUP
Hi, i ve added INPUT_PULLUP in my fork: commit: you should use pin mode as INPUT_PULLUP