Felix Gertz

Results 13 comments of Felix Gertz

Having the same problem here. The last tick is absolutely mandatory in my charts and cannot be omitted. Already tried some dirty tricks, but they introduce other problems, so an...

My charts reflecting endurance sports activities having 2 x-scales for distance and duration/time. The y-scales displaying data such as heartrate and so on. As a runner or cyclist you're interested...

Cannot get the minBarLength setting to work to, it just doesn't have any effect. I am using 2.9.3 and having the option in the dataset configuration. ![minBarLength](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/859154/79698961-8f558400-828c-11ea-8df5-d6f0ae4c3df9.png) This image illustrates...

Really missing this for File uploads. You possible solution sound great @sholladay .

I have a simillar problem here, which makes my upload fail. The "Content-type" in the multipart/form-data for the file is not set and is just "null", not respecting the mimeType...

OK, the problem is that I already defined a singular definition of "Woche" somewhere else. ```javascript export const timespanTypeNameMap = { [TimespanType.WEEK]: t`Woche`, } ``` So this seems to be...

Hi @AlexMost ! Yes, it's CRA with ttag.macro. Exactly, the above code block isn't extracted and does not show up in the .po. Interesstingly, when I change ``` [TimespanType.WEEK]: count...

Yes, let me try to reproduce it in a clean repo. Please hold the line. ;) Could take me a while..

Ok @AlexMost, that was easy to reproduce. https://github.com/aldipower/ttag-test Plural forms of src/test-map/index.js should show up in i18n/en.po after running npm run i18n-update, but the do not.

Hey @jimmykane ! I am a little bit of an idiot because I deleted the .tcx before I decided it is worth to write a bug report. I would also...