Eric Dobbertin

Results 113 comments of Eric Dobbertin

Yep, could be tricky. :)

@cjoudrey That all sounds good. I'll finish this as soon as I get a chance.

@mcwoodle Honestly completely forgot about this, but I can put it back on the to-do list.

@cjoudrey This is related to the other issue I submitted: We are breaking up the API into various plugins and microservices, each of which will live in its own...

@cjoudrey We have a custom type `ConnectionLimitInt` rather than `Int` for `first` and `last`. > An integer between 1 and 50, inclusive. Values less than 1 become 1 and...

I'm seeing the same thing with `union Blah` where this union is extended in other files. Apollo Server does not complain about this and it works fine using the same...

Workaround is to disable timing out: ```js { timeout: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, } ``` To fix this, the promise returned by `delay()` would need to be somehow cancellable based on the other...

@devlato Maybe I'm not understanding you. I meant that adding an infinite timeout solved this for me because it then doesn't call `delay()` due to a specific check I noticed...

The plugin stores user data in Session. Before calling $this->Auth->logout() in your logout action, destroy the session: $this->Session->destroy(); Or just $this->Session->delete('FB'); Might work.