John Alberts

Results 13 comments of John Alberts

Why in the world is this not merged yet? Such a small and simple fix to eliminate a very confusing and annoying problem. Please merge this so it can get...

if there are multiple causes for a single build (I didn't realize that was even possible), maybe the environment variable could be a comma separated string?

I'm not sure I understand. This plugin utilizes github webhook events. This happens for every single event and there is only 1 cause for each of those different event types....

ahhh. ok. I understand. You're just using the webhook to trigger a lookup of the PR to compare with what's changed compared to what you have stored locally from the...

I have a single job that is triggered for 3 event types: PR open, comment added to PR, and PR closed. When the PR is opened, I have some automation...

Actually, i just remembered I'm not using GITHUB_PR_COMMENT_BODY_MATCH. It seems to always have a value of 'null' regardless if a comment matched or not. So, right now, I check if...

> is may create infinite triggering, that's why it may make sense only in conjunction with AND/OR wrappers. What do you suggest checking to determine if the PR has been...

Just came here because I've been experiencing the same invisible cursor problem. The cursor is only missing when going over certain windows and those 'certain windows' are different each time...

Thanks @rubas . I honestly haven't noticed the problem in a couple of months now, but I have an [even worse problem](#1732) now with the new Yabai release when using...

This is a pretty old open issue, but the demo video still does not work. It doesn't say in this ticket, but I'm referring to the Demo video link in...