Albert Olivé
Albert Olivé
Any update on that?
No, doesn't work for me. But thanks anyway :)
I'm having the same issue with Firefox 49 with Mac OS X El Captain. ``` TypeError: s.refs[].getDOMNode is not a function File "webpack:///./~/react-ux-password-field/lib/react-ux-password-field.js" line 327 col 1 in c
@metamaskbot update-policies
@metamaskbot update-policies
@metamaskbot update-policies
Hi! I have the same issue. Any solution?
It worked for me doing it like this (Parse.Object.extend): ``` var query = new Parse.Query('Inscription'); query.equalTo('jobOffer', Parse.Object.extend('Offer', { id: this.props.params.offerId})); query.equalTo('user', Parse.Object.extend('User', { id: this.props.params.userId})); ```