
Results 12 issues of alazyworkaholic

I followed the quickstart instructions. My only manual intervention was to set `NoDisplay=false` in /usr/share/xsessions/adwm.desktop so it would show up as an option in lightdm. I've not yet defined any...


This query ``` let List = {1..20}, Result = List.Split(List, 4) in Result ``` fails with `The name 'List.Split' wasn't recognized. Make sure it's spelled correctly.` List.Split is a valid...

A query with fairly complex logic that cleans some atrociously formatted Excel files and writes the result to SQL Server works for up to a few dozen files but times...

Trailing comments in a PQ document can cause an error (I tested by adding comments to one of a few pq files in a folder). If you have ``` let...

When executing multiple pq files within the same directory and a syntax error occurs PQnet will helpfully pass along the error message. If the pq file is too long the...

How would one go about using this with a custom pqx or mez extension?

I just tried ```pqnet helloworld.pq helloquery``` but got this error: ```CreateMashupConnectionInfo has failed.``` How can I find out what's wrong?

I found this seems to happen whenever a hyphen is in the file name. ```Powershell 'let A =1 in A' | Out-File My-File.pq pqnet.exe My-File.pq #Token Equal expected. Start position:...

I've had no luck with OAuth so I thought I'd try Diagnostics.Trace. If I wrap the StartLogin function like so: ``` StartLogin = Diagnostics.Trace( TraceLevel.Information, "Made it here", () =>...

Feature request. List the entries in the menu by number so that they can be selected directly instead of having to use the cursor keys to select, then press enter....