Al Audet

Results 5 comments of Al Audet

You can do this already with luci-app-statistics. I would see wrtbwmon more as a way to monitor who is using the most, not how much overall.

The main reason I don't bundle outside services right into raspisump is because I want to keep the code independent of third party services that require sign up. It is...

Thanks for the feedback, it still comes back to my point above. These are nice services for sure but I am hesitant to add dependencies to external services whose terms...

Ok, been looking into this one and I focused on this message in the error ssl.SSLZeroReturnError: TLS/SSL connection has been closed (EOF) (_ssl.c:1123) It appears that yahoo prefers ssl to...

Now that I read more I dont think that will work at all. Yahoo should support port 587 tls but maybe they no longer do. TLS still works with gmail...