Alastair Coote
Alastair Coote
Yes - I was looking for a way to do this myself, but the `onPictureDecoded` only returns buffer, width and height. If it also returned the timestamp of the frame...
@soliton4 I don't know. If FPS is available in the header you could calculate it that way, but I don't know much about decoding that data/if it's even possible.
Argh, apologies, fixed. This is what I get for late night coding...
@calebeby I've published this as a separate module, at least for now. Should work:
There's a project here that will build a more recent version, and on more architectures: Only problem for me is that the build size has also increased quite a...
The NPM package `node-csv` is not this repo. I've installed manually from GitHub and it appears to be working.
Currently using a regex to grab importScripts() calls and replace them with script content when the worker is first loaded. Not great, but it'll have to do for now.