Alan Green

Results 33 issues of Alan Green

It would be convenient to use gerrit-monitor as a shortcut to gerrit. This is would be useful since there are occasions when I want to visit gerrit even when I...

In the computing context, many find the terms "master" and "slave" problematic and there have been many parallel efforts to migrate away from them. Here's (a list]( In AMBA AXI...


I'm getting a syntax error when using a function call that creates a signal inside an Elif. I can understand why this kind of function call might be problematic in...


Adds an Observer interface to the simulator, allowing arbitrary code to receive values from the simulation. The implementation is based on the implementation of write_vcd. An obvious next step would...

Working in a fresh venv environment, nmigen fails to install without first installing `wheel`. Here is a transcript showing failure to install nmigen and then success after pip installing wheel....

I am seeing inconsistent behavior from my CFU. See test runs below where each of the failing cases produces different results. Built for Arty with Symbiflow via conda. Code is...

I updated to ToT, ran `scripts/setup` and reran `scripts/install_oxide` `make renode-headless` fails with this error: ``` ~/src/CFU-Playground/proj/proj_template/build/renode ~/src/CFU-Playground/proj/proj_template CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:20 (find_package): By not providing "Findverilator.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this...

Notes that amaranth-yosys may be required. Installation of amaranth-yosys needs pip3 which is usually supplied by conda or a Python virtual environement. Signed-off-by: Alan Green

In proj/hps_accel, `make renode-headless` fails with the following verilator error. ``` -- Executing Verilator... Verilator command: "/usr/bin/verilator_bin --compiler gcc --prefix Vcfu --Mdir /usr/local/google/home/avg/src/CFU-Playground/proj/hps_accel/build/renode/CMakeFiles/libVtop.dir/Vcfu.dir --make cmake --cc -y /usr/local/google/home/avg/src/CFU-Playground/proj/hps_accel -Wno-WIDTH -Wno-CASEINCOMPLETE...

I get the following error when building hps_accel: ``` 6.2. Continuing TECHMAP pass. Using template VHI for cells of type VHI. Using template VLO for cells of type VLO. No...