Alanthinker Xiang
Alanthinker Xiang
need check two point is not a same point. should be: ``` if right_y >= 0.0 && right_y = 0.0 && left_y = 0.0 && bottom_x = 0.0 && top_x
Before call OpenLayout() in the DockXamlSample, the methods InsertDockable and RemoveDockable all ok. but After Restore layout by call OpenLayout() in DockXamlSample, the methods InsertDockable and RemoveDockable not work This...
Is it support android and ios? I haven't find document about how to run and publish in android and ios.
Is there any method to set compress level when use compress_to_path function? ``` let now = Instant::now(); sevenz_rust::compress_to_path("test_data", "test_data.7z").expect("compress ok"); println!("compress done : {:?}", now.elapsed()); ```