tab_model is now working great with mcgv::gam again, but fails in the case where there are no smooths in the gam: # Replicable example: ```r df
I am using Julia 1.5.3's MixedModels 3.1.4 package to fit linear mixed models. It offers a function MixedModels.zerocorr that is using in Julia formulas like this: fit(MixedModel,@formula(value ~ zerocorr(1+round|subprog)), df)...
XRJulia 0.7.7, on Windows 10, with successful findJulia, with a user account name that has a space: > juliaEval("1+1") ERROR: could not open file C:\Users\Alan Stacktrace: [1] include_from_node1(::String) at .\loading.jl:576...
In Google/ and Google/Voice/, 'attrs' should now be 'attr' In Google/, Mojo::JSON->new..->decode should now be Mojo::JSON::decode_json IO::Socket::SSL 1.96 or higher is required (but G::V will install without it, and should...