
Results 5 issues of mcshao

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## General Question


The url of the StutteringIsCool and strongvoices section shows 404, can you please update the url or provide a workaround

按照conda create -n chattts conda activate chattts pip install -r requirements.txt pip install ChatTTS配置环境之后运行示例代码 ```py import ChatTTS import torch import torchaudio chat = ChatTTS.Chat() chat.load(compile=False) # Set to True for...


我的模型训练到batch_16000.pt时中断了 我想继续训练 我的脚本这样设置的 ./ \ --world-size 8 \ --num-epochs 30 \ --start-batch 16000 \ --max-duration 40 \ --num-buckets 100 \ --on-the-fly-feats true \ --exp-dir ./exp \ --bpe-model data/lang_bpe_2000/bpe.model \ 但是模型似乎还是从bacth0继续训练的...