The python code to run is the code just under Usage: ``` # Import the client from td.client import TDClient # Create a new session, credentials path is required. TDSession...
You would need to appeal to a higher authority. I'm just an observer, not a developer for this library.
I'll give this a try if that's what you're suggesting: ``` void connectGSM() { gprs.setTimeout(180000); gsm.setTimeout(180000); boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { Serial.println("Begin GSM Access"); if ((gsm.begin() == GSM_READY)...
Two weeks and so far so good. Why aren't these timeouts set by default so perhaps others don't experience the difficulty that I faced?
After weeks of testing, the library still doesn't work correctly. I went a couple of weeks with no issue, so I turned-off debug and let my application run. I went...
It died within the first day. Here's my log... ``` OK AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD" OK AT+CREG? +CREG: 0,5 OK AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD" OK AT+CREG? +CREG: 0,5 OK UPSDD AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD" OK ```
My setup always recovers with a reboot.
I've been running my sketch while connected to the USB port AND with a battery - just to make sure that the issues weren't hardware related. I'll try a longer...
@Nels52 Thanks for reaching out. I'm not very familiar with GitHub and now see that it's pretty simple to reach out to another user! I've put my synchronous application on...
@Nels52 So in loop(), you're suggesting that I simply add: ``` if(gprs.status() == IDLE) { while(!startWebClient()); } ```