Hi, I check your doc and then invoke terser as below: terser myscript.js --compress --mangle -o output.js The output.js is compressed, but the function names are not mangled. for example,...
Hi, I want to set the frequency_penalty when calling gpt-3.5-turbo model via your code. How to do so? Is there a sample showing how to do this? Thank you
Hi, Is there any plan to support MPEG-1 & 2 format? The official whitepaper is length and complex. I find [this one](, it said "Each video sequence contain a sequence...
Hi, I check the format spec for PGP at And I find there is not definition of **new_packet**. Also the corresponding case is commented out: switch-on: new_packet_format cases: #true:...
I try to use this document This spec works for debug version (Generated by VC++ 2008) object files. But not work for the release version. I find the release...
What I need is to recover data from an iPhone, so I need to be able to access the raw data on it directly. Is it possible via your library?
I have many MP4 files which are truncated in their tails, which make them not playable. I analyze these files manually and find the ftyp and moov boxes and their...