Alan Coopersmith
Alan Coopersmith
Solaris 10 is supported until 2024, Solaris 11 through 2034 (but only the latest 11.x release, currently 11.4 - not older releases like 11.0 or 11.2). It's been a few...
All the distros derived from SunOS (Solaris, OpenIndiana, OmniOS, Tribblix, etc.) should have `__sun` defined by the C & C++ compilers. I don't remember if there's any #define to distinguish...
`__SUNPRO_C` does not indicate a version of Solaris, but the use of the Sun/Oracle Studio compilers instead of gcc or clang. `` has been present on Solaris since the Solaris...
The headers in Solaris 2.3 through 11.3 follow an early draft of the POSIX Threads standard by default, which had 3 arguments to ctime_r(). The headers in Solaris 11.4 and...
Sorry - I didn't realize you were shipping an old copy of the file from X.Org - why not just depend on that file instead of keeping your own copy...
Dup of #4
@psumbera is maintaining the rust packages we ship in Solaris, which you can see at Our primary interest is in being able to keep building Mozilla & GNOME desktop...
We could do that, though the test passes for much of the matrix - in our Solaris package, we've only disabled the static linking portion of the test matrix, though...
Okay, so I ran `../../../ setup builddir -Dstatic=true -Dmethod=system` in `test cases/rust/13 external c dependencies` and it ran okay and didn't trigger the `if not dep_zlib.found()` check in ``, but...
Using the classic method of "grep and copy" programming, without actually understanding the source code, this small change to `ZlibSystemDependency` seems to fix it: ``` --- a/mesonbuild/dependencies/ +++ b/mesonbuild/dependencies/ @@...