Alan C.
Alan C.
Hey hi everybody, I faced the same stuff here while trying to use Locale on my Charts in order to translate the labels displayed, so the thing that I did...
Hi y'all, Hope everything is going great over there, so @akash19901990 @rubenibarra , I made some changes to the code so now it runs smoothly with JDK 11 + Spring...
@akash19901990 I can probably say that you missed the part of configuring on your **Credentials** the **Authorized Redirect URI** -> http://localhost:8181/google/login Please have an eye on the **Google API Portal**...
Hello friends and colleagues here, Hope all is going great, I would like to integrate this plugin on a Java SpringBoot project using gradle. But at the moment, do we...
For me worked only by removing all packages from the "Organize Imports" section (after adding the google java format plugin -1.6 only, January 2020- and the google style guide xml...
Hello everbody, Any news on this thread please ?, I am facing the same issue while trying to format the filter panel elements through a CSS style sheet. I am...